Whoever you are and wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome in this place!
Our Mission: To Welcome All People, Share Christ's Love for One Another, and Help to Make Christ Visible in Daily Life
Contact Us
Jerusalem Western Salisbury
3441 Devonshire Road
Allentown, PA 18103
Church Contact Information
Office: 610-797-4242 or 610-791-4979
Fax: 610-797-2899
Send us an email here, or like us on Facebook:
Cemetery-Related Questions
Robert Eisenhard
Office: 610-797-0396
Email: robertjwsc@gmail.com
I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord!’ - Psalm 122
At Jerusalem Western Salisbury, we worship in a traditional liturgical style, following a pattern that was established in the early church. In our service we sing hymns, we hear of God's forgiveness and love, we have readings from the Bible, there is a sermon, we pray, we give our offerings, and we celebrate the Lord's Supper (also known as Holy Communion). Our music includes organ and piano and is also augmented by our choir, our Wind Ensemble, our Hand Bell Choir, and from time to time other special music.
All are welcome here, regardless of where you come from, or where you are in your journey of faith. Children of all ages are welcome in worship, and we invite them up for a special time of sharing. If they make noise, that's more joyful music to worship God! But if you want to take your child out to the Welcome Center or outside to walk around our beautiful surroundings, that's fine too. See you Sunday!
Service Times and Location