Whoever you are and wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome in this place!
Our Mission: To Welcome All People, Share Christ's Love for One Another, and Help to Make Christ Visible in Daily Life
Contact Us
Jerusalem Western Salisbury
3441 Devonshire Road
Allentown, PA 18103
Church Contact Information
Office: 610-797-4242 or 610-791-4979
Fax: 610-797-2899
Send us an email here, or like us on Facebook:
Cemetery-Related Questions
Robert Eisenhard
Office: 610-797-0396
Email: robertjwsc@gmail.com
"A cemetery is a history of people- a perpetual record of yesterday, a cemetery exists because every life is worth remembering - always."
-- Mary Lou Brannon

Cemeteries are far more than a resting place for the dead. They are a link to our past, and a memorial to those who have gone before: to those who shaped our towns, cities, and states and made them into the places we love.
Gravestones hold important examples of historical art and language, in addition to providing biographies of local residents. There are many different styles of grave markers represented in the cemetery. Many early family plots are marked by monuments with smaller tablets for individual graves. There are also un-inscribed fieldstones, obelisks, and boxed stones in the earlier sections.
Jerusalem Western Salisbury is a public cemetery, which is governed by Jerusalem Western Salisbury Church and dates back to the 1740s. Immigrants from Germany made their way to this area of eastern Pennsylvania and settled here. Many farmed the surrounding fertile areas, and on the tombstones one can read many Pennsylvania Dutch names. In addition, many Revolutionary War soldiers and Native Americans are buried on these grounds. Every year a Memorial Parade and Service is held in honor of our country's service men and women. Many families' research for genealogical information brings them here annually.
Plots may be purchased by the general public; you do not need to be a member of the church. For more information, please contact Robert Eisenhard: office 610-797-0396, pager 610-778-7366, email robertjwsc@gmail.com.
Pictures taken Fall 2013: