Greetings to you from Jerusalem Western Salisbury Church! Thanks for stopping by our website.
Jerusalem Western Salisbury Church is a congregation which seeks to live out the promise and hope of the Gospel. We aim to be engaged with the world around us, while providing a place of comfort and solace which sustains and enriches the lives of those who gather here. Our mission is to share the love we know from God through Jesus Christ with those we see every week - and those we will never know. We are a congregation which strives, with God's help, to live out the goals of our Vision Statement -- To Welcome All People, Share Christ’s Love for One Another and Help to Make Christ Visible in Daily Life.
We look forward to meeting you in person! We welcome you to join us for Sunday worship, to participate in any or all of our weekly activities, or to visit our beautiful grounds. We also invite you to join us for all of our activities throughout the year. God bless you and your loved ones.
A Shared Ministry
Jerusalem Lutheran Congregation of Western Salisbury
Jerusalem Western Salisbury United Church of Christ
Verse of the Day
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Weekly Calendar
Daily Bible Reading from Our Daily Bread
Sunday, January 26, 2025
8:30 AM Sunday School
9:45 AM Worship - Third Sunday after Epiphany
Newsletter: January 2025
Upcoming and Ongoing Events
Weather Delay and Church Closure Policy – approved by Shared Ministry Board and the Safety Committee of JWS
To always keep safety concerns at the forefront for all that need to travel, it is agreed that the policy be:
When there is a two-hour weather delay for the Salisbury School District, people involved in morning (AM) activities scheduled to occur during that time frame should also observe a delay to allow sufficient time to clear parking areas and sidewalks before they arrive at the church. (ex. 9 AM start means 11 AM start)
When inclement weather is predicted for a Sunday morning, staff and officers shall be in touch with each other on a Saturday to develop a plan. Early Sunday morning the church staff will make the final decision to cancel church due to weather. Postings will be made on WMFZ Channel 69, the church website and FACEBOOK page. A mass email will be sent to those who get our newsletter, text messages and phone calls will be made to those serving as ushers, choir members and lay readers. All others who would like to receive a personal message can sign up through the church office. Notice of this policy will be listed in the November to February newsletters and in church bulletins throughout the winter months.
Evening meeting cancellations will be discussed between staff and officers and contact will be made with those who are to be in attendance.
Music directors will determine if they hold rehearsals.
Most important is that if you feel unsafe traveling in inclement weather, please stay home and be safe. Decisions are made on how travel will be when going to activities and also how will the return travel be for those who might show up.